Here is some general information about what it means to be a singing member of Brisbane Chorale.
- For more information about how to join, including how to arrange an audition, read more on our ‘Join us’ page.
- If you’d like to observe Brisbane Chorale in action you are very welcome to attend a rehearsal or two before you audition. Contact us first and we’ll be happy to arrange a visit. Come along and meet the Music Director, watch and hear us rehearse.
What do we ask of our singing members?
- A high level of commitment and rehearsal attendance
- Professional concert and rehearsal etiquette
- Apology sent to the Membership Secretary if a rehearsal is to be missed
- Sufficient ‘homework’ so that rehearsal time is spent on refining the music itself, rather than only learning notes
- Prompt payment of fees – on or before the first rehearsal of the year is preferred
- Purchase of concert dress for women, men to provide a dinner suit, white shirt and black bow tie.
Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:15pm to 9:50pm. The rehearsal venues are shared between Kelvin Grove State College and the Old Museum.
Occasional weekend rehearsals may be scheduled, and there will be extra rehearsals in the week prior to a performance. Notice of extra calls will be given well in advance.
Bring a pencil!
Current membership fees
Fees are payable on or before the first rehearsal night of the year, or at your first rehearsal. Credit card and direct debit facilities will be available.
Flexible payment arrangements are possible, for example payment instalments spread through the year. Our Treasurer can help you with these arrangements.
Adult - Full year * | $490 |
Concession - Full year * (Commonwealth Pension Card holders) | $398 |
Youth (up to and including age 24) | $50 |
Student - full time | $50 |
Women's concert dress (skirt, top, floral piece and pearls) | $160 |
* Pro-rata fees are charged to members who join later in the year.
Payment of fees in advance may be made by direct transfer to our bank account:
Brisbane Chorale Inc
Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB 034 014
Account Number 145185
(Please identify yourself in the bank transaction so we can register you as a paid member and issue a receipt – and your music!)
or with a cheque mailed to:
Treasurer, Brisbane Chorale
PO Box 224
Red Hill, Qld 4059